

━━ a., n. チュートン[ゲルマン]人[族,語](の).?Teuton



━━ vt. …に対していい顔をしない; 反対する; 辱しめる.

アイオン RMT | 信長の野望 rmt  | RF rmt |



Easupidosutamaku: The 65th chapter, the threat of a fierce dragon? Jack

blue and at the same time, also marked the day quietly off limits are three second contact, point to the wind of God leopard, left its base , he is very confident that the line increases. Kamikaze leopard with provisions, he is white and gently touch the wind, the valley breathing dragon and his dark mask, carefully hidden all, COL, is located where the leopard Kamikaze To hide a breath and was good at climbing up along the clear air of the valley, it's green mountains, as a star of magic, in other places, growing a variety of dense vegetation, by The day is gray, and walk under the action of forces in the space marked a very slow transfer rate almost completely, he Zhichu by Guo, and gradually rise to the various plants and trees do not interfere, day also marks the heart after all the tension, he had two levels in the face of the holy one with God. According to Sun, the skyscrapers of the valley,

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